Exercises and Stretches to Prevent and Help Hip Pain

As we get older, many of us will experience some type of hip pain. Beyond the traumatic falls that can cause hip fractures (especially in the elderly), hip pain can be caused by a number of things: sitting, arthritis or bursitis, back problems, poor posture, etc. The hips are designed to bear a lot of weight and force along with having a wide range of motion to help us walk, bend, sit, and more. So any time there is a problem with the hips, it can have an enormous impact on your whole body.
At Lone Tree Family Chiropractic and Injury Center, hip pain is a common problem that our Vancouver chiropractors deal with. From runners to people that sit all day, having the right diagnosis and the right treatment can make all the difference! Our Chiropractor can assess your normal hip alignment along and ranges of motion. If there are any problems they can correct that via adjustments and specialized soft tissue treatment. If there is previous trauma or scar tissue that needs to be addressed, a Registered Massage Therapist will be integrated into your treatment protocol.
In this article, we’ll take a look at exercises and stretches that you can perform at home to not only help treat your existing hip pain but also help to keep your hips healthy to help prevent future hip pain.
To perform lateral leg raises, do the following:
1. Lie on one side with the arm of the same side extended out.
2. Left your other leg as high as you can go so that your foot will eventually be pointing at the ceiling.
3. Slowly lower your leg back to the floor.
4. Repeat these steps 10 times, then switch to the other leg.
To perform the bridge pose, do the following:
1. Lie flat on your back on the floor.
2. Bring your knees up so they are pointing towards the ceiling, with your arms flat at your sides.
3. Raise your hips up off the floor as high as you can.
4. Hold the post for 10 seconds.
5. Slowly lower hips back to the floor.
6. Repeat these steps 10 times.
To perform leg circles, do the following:
1. Lie flat on your back on the floor.
2. Raise one leg a few inches off the floor, keeping the leg straight.
3. Make small circles with your leg.
4. Repeat these steps 10 times, then switch to the other leg.
To perform ankle circles, do the following:
1. Lie flat on your back on the floor.
2. Raise one leg straight up so your foot is pointing to the ceiling.
3. Make small circles just with your foot and ankle.
4. Do 10 circles clockwise, then ten circles counter clockwise.
5. Lower leg to the floor.
6. Repeat these steps 10 times with the other leg.
To perform leg lifts, do the following:
1. Get down on the floor on all fours.
2. Left one knee from the floor, then extend the leg straight out behind you.
3. Squeeze your glute muscles and lift your leg as high as you can.
4. Lower leg back to the floor.
5. Repeat these steps 10 times, then switch to the other leg.
To perform the happy baby pose, do the following:
1. Lie flat on your back on the floor.
2. Bring your knees to your chest.
3. Hold the big toe on each foot.
4. Pull your feet down towards your chest and shoulders.
5. Hold this position for 10 seconds.
6. Release toes.
7. Lower feet back to the floor.
8. Repeat these steps 10 times.
To perform the cobra pose, do the following:
1. Lie face down on the floor with your hands next to your shoulders.
2. Point your toes.
3. Begin raising your upper body by pressing upwards on your arms until they are completely straight and your torso (including your hips) is lifted off the floor.
4. Tighten your abs and glutes.
5. Hold this position for 10 seconds.
6. Lower your torso back to the floor.
7. Repeat these steps 10 times.
To perform the pigeon pose, do the following:
1. Assume the plank position (on all fours with legs and torso elevated).
2. Bring your left knee forward toward your left hand.
3. Slowly lower your body almost to the floor.
4. Hold this position for 10 seconds.
5. Return left leg to the plank position.
6. Repeat 10 times, then switch to the right leg and repeat another 10 times.
To perform hop bridges, do the following:
1. Lie flat on your back on the floor.
2. Bend your knees.
3. Raise your hips a few inches off the floor.
4. Old this position for 10 seconds.
5. Lower your hips back to the floor.
6. Repeat these steps 10 times.
To perform the bound angle pose, do the following:
1. Sit upright on the floor.
2. Bring your feet together with needs bent, similar to the Indian position without crossing your ankles.
3. Lean forward so that your shoulders are moving towards your feet. Be sure to keep your shoulders straight.
4. Hold this position for 10 seconds.
5. Return to the upright position.
6. Repeat these steps 10 times.
To perform the pelvic tilt, do the following:
1. Lie flat on your back on the floor.
2. Raise your knees so they’re pointing towards the ceiling.
3. Firmly press your lower back and hips into the floor so that there is no space beneath your hips and the floor.
4. Hold this position for 10 seconds.
5. Release hips.
6. Repeat these steps 10 times.
Summary: As you can see, many of these simple exercises involve strengthening the hips and core. If you’re suffering from hip pain, or you’d like to be proactive in preventing it in the future, take a few minutes each day to perform these exercises and stretches or drop by to see us at Lone Tree Family Chiropractic and Injury Center. One of the biggest loads to our hips is simply sitting throughout the day therefore, getting up and taking a walk and a break to do these simples measures can be very helpful! Do it now! Your body will thank you for it!
9:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Lone Tree Family Chiropractic and Injury Center
9894 Rosemont Avenue #201
Lone Tree, CO 80124